Very much like with my
hair I have had a lifelong battle with getting my nails to do what I
want them to do! They are dry, flaky and peel off in little bits and
just generally look awful. I am one of those people who hide their
nails on the tube for fear of a random stranger seeing them and
thinking something unsavoury about them, sad I know. Any nail varnish
I put on, no matter how high end would chip and flake away literally within a day so I had
been looking for a more permanent nail solution for a while now.

To cut a very long story short, I absolutely LOVE
them! As you can see I chose a bright red colour called 'hollywood',
thats one of the only downsides to shellac, that you only have quite
a restricted colour range but the colours that they do have are
really lovely and I think that there would be something there to suit
everyones tastes. The whole process took around fourty five minutes
but I did have a full manicure and not just the paint. In the place that I had mine done, to only get your nails painted with the shellac is cheaper as well.
Shellac is basically a uv
gel nail polish and so you apply it just as you would a nail polish
and then put your hand under a uv light to set the polish. Its quick,
its easy and the results are incredible!
I had these done on
wednesday last week and as you can see there are no chips whatsoever
and they are still just as shiny as when I got them done. They are
supposed to last for about two weeks but really they last for as long
as you can stand the growth of your nail showing at the bottom! My
nails grow really slow so these should last me a pretty long time!
Have you ever had shellac
nails done? Would you consider them?
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