
Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Life | I am a hoarder…

Over the years I have amassed a ridiculously large collection of stuff.  It’s not that I buy an especially large amount; it’s just that once it’s bought, it’s with me for life.

On moving house I discovered that I still had in my possession copies of heat magazine from two years ago - this embarrasses me greatly.  Also about fifty lip balms came out of the woodwork - this embarrasses me even more. I realized that I have carted around the same collection of moisturisers from pretty much every house I have lived in for the past two years because despite knowing that I am not a habitual moisturiser, I still insist on buying more.

It’s the same with hair products. I am and have been for at least six years on a seemingly never ending quest to find a product that will turn my over bleached, over straightened hair into a glorious flowing mane (this will never happen). In pursuing this dream I now have an entire drawer of hair products and yet I still buy more.

The beauty blogger effect is a definite thing, I own far more than I need and yet I continue to buy.

I have decided to have a clear out. Working in fashion and in close proximity to London’s main shopping street has meant that I have a stupid amount of clothes and shoes as well as the embarrassing amount of beauty products.

Here’s the plan:

Beauty products will be used up before any more are purchased. Only when the last lip balm is finished will I buy any more. One person does not need thirty lip balms and five foundations.

Clothing and shoes will be sorted, anything I don’t love will be sold on vinted (my user name is katiepottinger if anyone wants to have a peek)

Wish me luck!
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