So I have decided that it is about time
I tried to get a bit fitter. Now, when I say a bit I mean I think its
about time I was at least as fit as a pensioner. (no joke, my nan is
fitter than me.) For the past year my fitness routine has been
walking from my flat on the ground floor to the tube station and then
from the tube station to my chosen destination. And thats it. I have
been blessed with a relatively speedy metabolism and the rather odd
ability to just forget to be hungry because my days are jam packed
with exciting things to do, I hope you sense the sarcasm here.
Because of the killer combination of these two things I have luckily
escaped what is commonly referred to as the 'freshman fifteen' (where
you put on at least a stone in your first year of university for
those not in the know).
I was never into sports, apart from the
good old sack race (if you don’t know what that is then what was
your childhood?). P.E in school was a rather painful experience for
me to say the least, it wasn’t that I was unwilling to try or
anything like that its just because I have the hand-eye coordination
of a very uncoordinated moose and my dancing ability is shockingly
bad! I have always been this way as reflected by the fact that while
all the kids on my road would play out on their bikes and whatever
during the evenings, I would much rather play in my sisters wardrobe.
(We had a giant barbie doll house in there before you start thinking
I had problems).

For our sports day at school we would
have to run a 1500 meter race in which the sporty girls would always
win and I would always come somewhere in the bottom ten, an
achievement I'm rather proud of by the way. This was until I finally
twigged in year eight that if I walked the entire thing they would
let me stop after about the first third and would still give me the
point for my team. Result. This then cemented my unsportiness, if
thats even a word.
But no more! I have decided to combat
this fear I have of exercise, well not so much fear at all, just a
massive amount of laziness and I have joined a gym! Shock! Horror!
Its been about three weeks and I'm jolly proud of myself to tell you
the truth, me and my friend go five days a week for an hour in an
effort to just get fit already. I really just use it for an excuse to
go and buy new clothes though really, after all you can't go to the
gym in non gym like clothing now can you?
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